Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Telephone Numbers (required)
Any medical details to be aware of
If you answer ʻyesʼ to any of the following questions please give details above.
Has a doctor ever said you have heart disease, high blood pressure or any other cardiovascular problems? Please selectYesNo
Is there a history of heart disease in your family? Please selectYesNo
Do you suffer from, or have a family history of, arthritis? Please selectYesNo
Do you suffer from, or have a family history of, osteoporosis? Please selectYesNo
Do you suffer from any allergies or asthma? Please selectYesNo
If so, do you use an inhaler or take antihistamines? Please selectYesNo
Do you often feel faint or dizzy and if so is it made worse by exercise? Please selectYesNo
Are you or have you recently been pregnant? Please selectYesNo
Have you ever had either abdominal or joint related surgery? Please selectYesNo
Are you taking any drugs/medication at the moment or are you recuperating from a recent illness or operation? Please selectYesNo
Do you have any other medical condition that may affect your ability to exercise? Please selectYesNo
Do you suffer from pain or limited movement in any joints? Please selectYesNo
Have you ever had an injury that has required musculo-skeletal therapy (e.g. Physiotherapy)? Please selectYesNo
Are you currently under the care of a manipulative or physical therapist (Chiropractor, Osteopath, Physiotherapist etc.)? Please selectYesNo
If you answered yes to the above question, have you told them that you are attending the participating in Pilates? Please selectYesNon/a
I have answered these questions to the best of my belief and know of no other reason why I should not undertake a course of exercise. I will inform my you if my medical condition changes in the future.